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Recognizing the Abusive Signs of Domestic Violence

If the person you love is becoming abusive and show signs of domestic violence, it is high time to get out of that fear zone and address this issue the soonest. Domestic violence is an intimidating problem occurring in unfortunate homes that is being overlooked or denied by the very persons who are victims of this form of abuse. In many case scenarios, the kind of domestic violence is both physical and psychological abuse.

The objective of a domestic violence offender is to dominate and control his victim by means of injecting fear, guilt, shame and intimidation in their relationship, such that the victim feels worn down by the constant abuse and eventually submits to his abusive acts. Acts of threat and verbal abuse are early warning signs of domestic violence which if not put to a stop can escalate further into severe physical abuse that affects the physical, psychological, and emotional being of the victim. A victim of domestic violence will experience serious emotional repercussions of depression, helplessness, anxiety, loneliness, and a lost of self-worth. There is no discrimination when it comes to domestic Sexual Violence, for this crime can be committed to anybody, whether heterosexual couples, same-sex partners, husbands as victims, and in different age brackets, ethnic backgrounds and economic levels.

If you think that you may be a victim of Human Trafficking domestic violence, you can easily tell from these behavioral signs:  your inner thoughts and feelings are threatened in fear; a constant show of your partner's belittling behaviour; a demonstration of control over you; an act of violence and threat. When you feel that your partner loses his anger most of the time in even insignificant issues and you feel afraid that he can be overbearing and his anger makes you feel helpless, this signals an early act of domestic violence.  Overlooked or denied domestic violence can seriously lead to physical abuse in the form of assault or battery, which can be performed by the offender to the victim many times over. Forced sex, where the victim is forced to participate in an unwanted, unsafe or degrading sex activity is part of domestic violence.  

Recognizing these warning signs and acknowledging that there is domestic violence being committed on you will be the first brave step for you to break your bondage from the controlling dominance of domestic violence. Also, if you know someone who is being abused, physically and emotionally, be concerned as to talk to the person in private, show her those telltale signs of domestic violence, and let her know that you care and will be willing to help. The easiest but tricky way is to report to the police authorities on a domestic violence issue; however, there are online counsellors who may initially be of assistance and can direct the victim on what to do or a help call can be patched up to hotline centers that deal with domestic violence.

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